The world of Cyber security is constantly evolving and businesses need to stay on their toes to defend themselves against incoming Cyber Attacks. The number of Cyber attacks businesses will face is forecast to double by 2025.
Organisations across the UK need to ensure their business is protected against all types of incoming threats. Leaving weak points in your Cyber Security makes you a attractive option to cyber attacks. Not only do organisations need to increase their security but also their knowledge of cyber security. Learning how to defend against attacks, detect incoming attacks, keep data secure and recover from successful attacks can help to prevent cyber attacks from totally crippling your business.
The Cyber Essentials Certification shows that your business has made a conscious effort to protect your business from attacks. The Cyber Essentials Certificate is also a great selling point to use with potential clients.
Your Potential Risks
To build an effective cyber security strategy its important to understand the biggest threats and potential opportunities your business is currently open to.
Once of the biggest threats to your business in recent years is remote working. A significant amount of businesses moved to home working during COVID. Due to the speed of this transition most businesses didn’t have an opportunity to improve their defenses or train their staff on potential threats. Lack of employee knowledge means your business is more open to Virus’s, phishing links and scam attempts.
Other Risks include:
- Unprotected Systems
- Weak Passwords
- Outdated Software
- Outdated Hardware
- Weak Firewalls
What is Cyber Essentials?
Cyber Essentials is a government backed and industry supported scheme designed to protect your organisation from the growing threat of cyber attacks. Cyber Essentials also provides a clear list of the basic controls each business should have in place to protect themselves.
Although there are some complex cyber attacks the majority come from opportunistic cyber hackers rather than a skilled operation. These clearly detailed controls help to protect and neutralise the threat before anything comes of it.
How long does it take to get a Cyber Essentials certification?
Getting your Cyber Essentials Certificate can only take a few days if your hardware, software and policies are up to date. If these aren’t up to date acquiring your certificate can take a little longer. Your Cyber Essentials Certificate will need to be renewed each year however, if your businesses security is kept up to date with a few simple rules acquiring your certificate each year will be a quick & easy process.
How do you get a Cyber Essentials certification?
Acquiring your Cyber Essentials certificate can be a long and confusing process for a lot of businesses. Smart IT offer a comprehensive Cyber Essentials Certification package to get your business certified quick.