As part of Smart IT’s free “wipe and donate” offer, North East based organisation Talk Works have donated six computer systems to the Smart IT Initiative, which have been securely wiped and refurbished by Smart IT engineers. Part of this generous donation has been gifted to a local charity, Smile for Life.
The computer equipment was no longer required at Talk Works due to upgrading and staff switching to laptops to enable remote working. Talk Works were keen for the equipment to go towards helping another local organisation with learning and development. Upon hearing of Smart IT’s previous work within the local community, they asked Smart IT for help sourcing a suitable organisation.

Smart IT work closely with a number of worthwhile not-for-profit/charities and suggest that Smile For Life would be an ideal recipient of the equipment.
“Since working with Talk Works, we have gained strong appreciation of their commitment to supporting the local community. Smile For Life are a fantastic organisation, enhancing the life experiences of disabled and disadvantaged youngsters in our region. Through café beam, they provide work placement opportunities to many young people. Which aligned perfectly with Talk Works objective to supporting learning and development within the community and workplace.”
Tony Wilson, Managing Director, Smart IT
Smile For Life have used the donation to provide a much needed work station at their Café Beam in Gosforth, Newcastle.
“At Smile For Life, we strive to make a real difference to the lives of young people with physical and learning disabilities across the North East of England. Whether it is by providing equipment, experiences, short breaks, or even work placements for students in our Café Beam in Newcastle, we empower these young people to achieve their potential to live a full and happy life.”
Paula Gascoigne, Smile For Life, Chief Executive

Café Beam recently celebrated employing their very first apprentices, with Josh Hardie as Café Supervisor and have also recruited a trainee chef. The equipment has been set up as a quiet workstation area, which gives the apprentices the opportunity to use a quiet space to complete their apprenticeship course work. It will also offer the youngsters on work placement an opportunity to develop their IT skills alongside personal development.

“The apprentices at Café Beam are so excited to have a dedicated workstation to use for their studies. We are also planning to use the new pc to help develop the IT skills with all of our youngsters, helping them to make the transition into paid employment and enhancing their life skills as they move into adulthood.”
Paula Gascoigne, Smile For Life, Chief Executive
With clinics located across the region, Talk Works offer psychological therapy services. Their counsellors, CBT therapists and psychologists provide one-to-one talking therapies to individuals. Whilst the learning and development team, work directly with employers and staff to improve employee wellbeing and mental health.
“At Talk Works we believe that everyone can thrive, be well and engage well at work. Our team work to improve mental health & wellbeing through 1-1 therapy, training, workshops and e-learning. So it’s a pleasure to see this equipment being put to good use, supporting young people with their learning and development and helping them thrive in a positive working environment”
Kathy Bevan, Managing Director, Talk Works
Tony Wilson, Managing Director at Smart IT concludes;
“Many businesses will have computers or laptops that have been replaced or are no longer required. Smart IT offer a free wipe and donate service for any IT equipment no longer required. Our Engineers will securely wipe the drives, certify, and donate them to a deserving organisation to support digital inclusion. Anyone wishing to donate equipment, we would love to hear from you.”